Good evening. Time for a another wave. Today we attack the Artsy partsy of the internet.
As you've might have noticed, I've added some graphical juice from Antumbra 2, to the NG Art Portal.
Also I've dublicated that on DeviantArt.
Our job today is to make some noise. If anybody of you has an Artist account on NG - please, reccomened me to the Art portal. Even not having that would might actually do the trick. Remember to comment. Real, living commentary is what puts things in motion. We are not breaking any rules. The content I've droped by all means CAN be considered art. Even I think so. And most of the time I think very badly about myself and the stuff I make. High standards. That I am never able to achieve, but I always expect.
Same rules guys. We need buzz. As much as we can get. Freaking LOADS of it. Both on Art Portal and Deviant Art. Lets go and make some. Who knows? It just takes ONE, right person. To see it. Viral is a matter of luck.
But the Luck - can be aided. So lets pump this motherfucker with all we got.
No time for resting. The battle has just began. And I am gonna make it. WE are gonna make it.
Lets make a CHANGE in this plastic reality of cardboard cut-out virtues.
Lets go and put the world on fire!!
ok, im might not be good with music, but i am active in the art portals (as a reviewer), so i will support you BOTH on deviantart AND on here in NG-art!
good works, mate!